Premium offers

Unlock more features and take full advantage of our referral system on DiscordInvites
Take it to the next level with our premium experience

Did you benefit from a promotional code ?

Monthly Annually


Free plan

checkmark-yes 7 days of statistics
checkmark-yes Maximum of 10 tags allowed
checkmark-yes Up to 5 server team members
cancel Appears in the carousel of premium servers
cancel May appear in the first position in the servers list
cancel Automatic bump
cancel Custom background image & colorful server card
cancel Enable statistics per hour
cancel Premium role on the support server
cancel Premium badge
cancel Import emojis from servers with the bot
cancel You can vote from your server with the command /vote

3.99 €

Monthly subscription
- 20%
4.99 €

checkmark-yes 30 days of statistics
checkmark-yes Enable statistics per hour
checkmark-yes Premium role on the support server
checkmark-yes Automatic bump
checkmark-yes Custom background image & colorful server card
checkmark-yes Import emojis from servers with the bot
checkmark-yes Maximum of 15 tags allowed
checkmark-yes Premium badge
checkmark-yes Up to 10 server team members
checkmark-yes You can vote from your server with the command /vote
cancel Appears in the carousel of premium servers
cancel May appear in the first position in the servers list
cancel Transfer the offer to another server

5.59 €

Monthly subscription
- 20%
6.99 €

checkmark-yes 30 days of statistics
checkmark-yes Enable statistics per hour
checkmark-yes Premium role on the support server
checkmark-yes Appears in the carousel of premium servers
checkmark-yes Automatic bump
checkmark-yes Custom background image & colorful server card
checkmark-yes Import emojis from servers with the bot
checkmark-yes Maximum of 20 tags allowed
checkmark-yes May appear in the first position in the servers list
checkmark-yes Premium badge
checkmark-yes Up to 15 server team members
checkmark-yes You can vote from your server with the command /vote
cancel Transfer the offer to another server

66.49 €

Annual subscription
- 5%
69.99 €

checkmark-yes 30 days of statistics
checkmark-yes Enable statistics per hour
checkmark-yes Premium role on the support server
checkmark-yes Appears in the carousel of premium servers
checkmark-yes Automatic bump
checkmark-yes Custom background image & colorful server card
checkmark-yes Import emojis from servers with the bot
checkmark-yes Maximum of 20 tags allowed
checkmark-yes May appear in the first position in the servers list
checkmark-yes Premium badge
checkmark-yes Transfer the offer to another server
checkmark-yes Up to 15 server team members
checkmark-yes You can vote from your server with the command /vote

You have question ?

We answer as many questions as possible here

The premium is an annual or monthly subscription that allows you to get SEO benefits for your discord server (benefit displayed above)

To qualify for a refund, you must at least have already subscribed to one of our monthly offers so that no purchase/refund abuse can be made.
We advise you to try one of our monthly offers before committing to a lifetime offer, because it cannot be refunded.

A subscription is valid for only one Discord server. If you want to have the premium for several servers, you must have a subscription for each. If you plan to have three or more subscriptions, don't hesitate to join for a discount.

Yes, you can transfer your subscription to another of your servers by contacting the discordinvites team by clicking here.

Yes. You can stop your subscription at any time via the premium tab in your dashboard. Your subscription will remain valid until the end of the period you paid for, but you will no longer be charged.

At the moment we only support credit and debit cards.

The only currency available is the one displayed. But you can still pay in your own currency, because most debit / credit cards will do the conversion for you for a small fee (usually a few cents). PayPal does not charge a fee for the conversion.

Yes ! After subscribing, your invoice will be sent to you directly by email. If you need help with an invoice, contact us.

DiscordInvites is a real business, run by real people. The premium is what keeps us going. We use this money to pay our developers' salaries and to cover accommodation costs and taxes.

Yes. We never have access to your credit card information. Payments are handled by Stripe, a payments agency trusted by millions of businesses around the world and protected by cutting-edge technology. We also never have access to your PayPal account information and your transactions are protected by PayPal Buyer and Merchant Protection.